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2+2=5 An overview of women's strategies and tactics

An overview of women's strategies and tactics. And how to answer them. 

Advertising campaign 

     Modern capitalist method of selling themselves in marriage. Completely identical-tasting sausages in a shopping center or a test drive in the showroom. The meaning of 100% is the same. Give a man to feel its uniqueness, indispensability, and the need to feature. Plus the game is on the contrast of the type "to me is better than without me." 
     How to respond to the advertising campaign: to taste, but do not buy. Because wine is the best period of relations, and more will only get worse. Wine is, in fact, a loophole for men, allows you to receive free sex before the expiration of the trial period. The main thing - to simulate Allen, does not understand what slopes case and what's the point. 
     The most pleasant and beautiful in the advertising campaign is that it provides 99% of modern women. And the concept of "strict sex only after marriage," no one is practicing. And if practiced, it can be a breeze to find the one that is not so old-fashioned.

Household prostitute 

     An alternative method of obtaining prostitution of women benefits from men, not recognizing yourself as a prostitute, deceiving itself about its morality, but being still in her eyes of men. Unlike ordinary prostitution - in fact, no. 
     Nominal difference is the currency of payment. In the case of home prostitution is can be not only money, but also what they can buy - expensive dinner in a restaurant, a smartphone, boots, and even a car or an apartment. In some cases, it may be thirst for promotion, the award at work, holidays abroad at the expense of men or other material benefits. 
     How to respond to consumer prostitute: Nothing. Ignore. Household prostitute not previously voiced their tariffs. Since it can not be unambiguously and clearly agree to hear the final amount and understandable. The quality of her sexual services is questionable. A guarantee of sex - is absent. 


     Subspecies household prostitutes, which differs the most extreme degree of impudence of his behavior. Dinamschitsa usually trying to squeeze the maximum out of man resources, and instead provide at least their services or provide them at all. 
     We need to react in the same way: complete ignore. No services, no handouts for vague prospects sex. After all, most likely, it will remain only a promise-a promise. But starting vkidyvat money in this slot, as in a gaming machine, the man is very difficult to stop - until a prize or lose all the money. So it's best just not to start the game of chance and consider other steps in this article, how to interact with women. 

Princess or printsezhdalka 

     Woman with inflated self-important, self-esteem and an exaggerated requirement for the man of her dreams. It is different, as a rule, a huge difference between its real value and the value of man, about which she dreams. So she never it and not find it. Especially sick syndrome printsezhdalki glamurschitsy, lazy, and nischebrodki razvedenki. 
      The secret of the popularity of this syndrome is the natural tendency of women to laziness and a belief in miracles. So sweet to believe in a fairy tale that you can not work and do not work in the home, not to solve a lot of problems and worries, not to pay the mortgage and credit for years, but just to meet certain ephemeral prince who will solve all problems for her. 
     How to interact: to pose as naive prince, who was looking for her whole life. Roll up to her rented or taken from other Lexus (or her, if you're really a prince of her fairy tales). Make the necessary impression, fuck, quit and forget. 


      Very popular tactic, which is the secret of popularity is very simple and is explained by the fact that the majority of women in our time is hopelessly flawed and is not suitable for long-term relationships. This is known to both men and women. Therefore, the essence of this tactic is to pose as a "netak" special and honest woman, it is advantageous to distinguish yourself from the rest. 
On the men's naive and gullible is perfectly valid, and they do peck at the bait. A deception and feigned holiness opened after marriage. To avoid becoming a victim of such a fraud, you need to take it for granted that "netak" does not exist in principle, on the basis of the most feminine nature. That is whores and filth mercantile women created by nature itself. And be "netakoy" can no longer be through birth on this planet and in this particular solar system. 

"We're just friends" 

     This subspecies dinamschitsy, its most extreme degree to which a man in 100% of cases does not get any sex, but only blindly at him hopes, performing numerous daily requests from girls. Moreover, these requests in fact cost money, but man does it for free, that girls are very convenient and advantageous. 
      The main driving force behind this scheme is the naive hope of man that one day she will appreciate the efforts of the men and finally give him a bit. And maybe even deign to honor him to marry her to this slave was always on hand and received once a month sex on the day of his payday. Interact with this special pretty simple: if you do not give, it is a forest in search of Alain. 
     An interesting perspective of women themselves on the subject in the video to this article here: https://vk.com/wall-57128022_906425 

Unhappy divorced woman 

     The meaning of this tactic is to ensure that hung on the ears of naive Alain unfair ex-husband, who drank, beat, changed and left her unhappy woman saint with children, doomed to misery and hunger. Of course, the good man's soul sometimes remains untouched sim story and can not pass. What cunning Baba was needed. As a result, Alain is following a "tyrant" and an alcoholic in her eyes, and he himself is pushed property. 
     Respond to such stories is very simple. You need to understand two things: if the husband really was such, that she was to blame herself. After all, none of the women in the registry office at gunpoint no walks. And her choice was entirely voluntary. So let them reap the fruits of your choice for life. The second option - she blatantly lied. And if you lie, then she blames herself, not to preserve the family. Therefore, the conclusion as in the first version - let them pay for their mistakes. 


     Her sense of life - more or less a good marriage, his legs dangling and begin to inspire her husband to work exploits in order to realize their dreams and hotelok beautiful, well-fed and carefree life, be what it is described in beautiful magazines, TV shows and gatherings with the already married friends . The husband is considered as a kind of draft animals cattle and ATM, to be a most effective way to extract resources. To be effective, it has to be inspired as taught in magazines. And this person truly believes in this situation. 
     How to respond? Stake a claim - or are working and plow, both for the common good, or go the fuck to your inspiration. In today's world, a woman is required to work on an equal basis with men, because no household and domestic work has long been nonexistent. The water flows through pipelines, housing heats central heating, ready-made products are sold in stores, things erases automatic machine. 
     Communicate with the "inspiration" in any case can not, because It turns it into practice two works on its Wishlist. And its absence - is the work on a dust-free and non-stress work on their own modest needs without kitchen sets for a million cars and "better than Lenka". 


      Since women are well aware of what they were expecting a man in marriage, they mimic the waiting men, pretending that he really Patriarch of the family, and it is as if it would appreciate, loves and obeys. But it's only for show game to lull vigilance. In fact, this method is no different from the philosophy of martial art "Aikido". The meaning of this unique style is not to go against the enemy's power, contrasting him his power, and, on the contrary, as if agreeing with him, go with him in one direction, and then abruptly hall his hand and insert a knife in the back. 
     That is what women patriarhalki. They do not argue with a man, obey him, and just take advantage of. A man-patriarch did not even understand. When patriarhalki objectives have been achieved, she filed for divorce and takes away from would-be patriarch of all that can be picked up. 
     Method of interaction with these women is to understand their game and not let themselves be used and to lull vigilance. 


     The most rare tactic behavior of a woman who does not meet almost. With such tactics a woman recognizes that man is the same person as she is, and what is beneficial to them to communicate on the principle of 1 + 1 = 3. However, to realize this, Baba must have brains and analytical thinking among ape babuinok extremely rare. 
     The best that women have enough brains, is to try to assess in advance the potential of man to understand who the candidates will be in the future, the most well-fed and rich in nishtyaki life and cling to this with the help of a promotion or mock holiness. But it is much more rare - demonstrating and showing itself as an ally of men. 
     Since ally is a relic of the past and examples of our with you moms or grandmothers, rather than the current generation of women, it is much more productively learn to rely only on themselves, or a man and he will remind some analogue of "printsezhdalki", only in reverse. 
     PS Finally, you can describe one more tactic that every woman cares like a trump card up his sleeve, because it works most effectively when compared with others. And thanks to this trump statistics are not less than a third of all marriages. And this aerial. 
     If a man does not act from the above, but it is less promising and is solvent, it is possible to simply fly away, take the individual decision to give birth, to which a man has no right to vote, and then apply for child support, the size of which is 25% of all income men per child. And if men revenues account for a considerable sum, for many women it is a great and guaranteed by the state the opportunity to arrange their carefree life. So be vigilant, carefully protect yourself and all his copybook case flush the toilet. 

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