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Genuine tips to beat summer

These 5 cheap basic household products can help you:
• Keep sand out of your car and house after a day at the beach or playground
• Prevent mosquito bites
• Save your smartphone from being ruined by water or sand
• Keep your berries yummy for longer
• De-fog your swim goggles
To find out which product goes with which tip, read on.
Out Damn Sand
To get pesky sand off your skin and feet: sprinkle with baby powder and brush dry with your hands, or a shaving brush or makeup brush.
Mosquitos Really Blow
According to the New York Times, research shows that wind is an effective way to ward off mosquitoes and other airborne pests. Sure, the wind prevents them from circling and landing on you. But a fan also dilutes and disperses the carbon dioxide you exhale, and carbon dioxide is one of the major chemicals that attract mosquitoes. Furthermore, a fan helps keep you cool, which helps keep mosquitos away because those critters love your sweat, lactic acid and body heat.
Phone CPR
If your phone or device falls in a puddle by the pool or sea, first remove the battery, then stick the phone in a container with uncooked rice, which will help absorb moisture. If the phone gets covered in sand, use a bulb syringe (like the kind used for kids' medicines) or something similar to blow out any sand particles in the crevices; Do not use compressed air, which can damage your device internally.
No More Soggy Moldy Berries
As soon as you get back from the farmer's market or store, prepare a mixture of one part vinegar and ten parts water. Dump the berries into the mixture and swirl around. Drain, rinse (just a bit because you won't be able to taste the vinegar anyway) and pop in the fridge. Apparently, the vinegar kills mold spores and other bacteria that might be on the surface of the fruit. This little vinegar rinse supposedly helps keep your berries from going soggy and moldy. From Food Lush.
See Underwater
We used to just use a bit of spit, but some people swear that smearing a little toothpaste inside your google lenses will keep them from fogging up!

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