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Onabashira - Country Japan

Our series of articles devoted to the brutal and unusual sports continues. Today, we talk not so much about sport, but about the entertainment media for samurai steel eggs - Onabashira (Onbashira), which is held on the festival of the same name.

If an adult man is accidentally surviving boy, the adult Japanese, it is the Japanese who survived the accident on Onabashira. What it for such an event? Every six years, in the beginning of April, in the glorious city of Nagano falls sixteen huge pine trees bicentennial. The trunk of each of them carefully cleaned of bark and twigs, treated adorn the red and white (the colors favorite Shinto) and to hook the rope. The preparation of all the "shells" may take up to a week. Even up to three days it could take that would pile up the logs to the nearest slope Suva.

The very "fun" (if I may call it dubious from the point of view of survival, action) is a group that would ride the log and go down on him from the top of the mountain, like sledding down the hills. Rope wrapped around the log, not the most convenient way to control the direction of fall, but even in such a way fares unable to direct it toward the shore of the river, on which only then they will be fused together along the river and installed in the church for the next six years - until the next festival. Local believe that this demonstrates the courage and the courage of the shutter member, as well as a sacred act in relation to four grand Shinto shrines in Japan (Vicki to help you).

If someone is bold enough to go see it with my own eyes, in spite of the special cases of injuries and heart attacks, drowning and trampled the audience - always leave us your photos. In the meantime - those which we found ourselves.

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