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Waitresses in bikinis

 Truly the world is ruled and commodity pushing boobs. Who would not drive that Freud's grandfather, but sexual urges rule.
    Here's an example: There was a Bartschik in France "Le Cafe". One name - is the standard naming - call the cafe "Cafe" (which is translated from the French "le cafe") - this is just a figment of the works of Captain Obviousness. Or, as in this case, the Marechale. And, as we see a similar "sharpness" cafe hostess, Laura Maggi, it manifests in everything. For example she wears revealing outfits and openly flirting with male visitors - which in itself is already achivki, considering her age. All the same, at 34 no longer a girl.
girl bartender
     It is understood that the wife is not happy, but she lozhila squatting on their protest, as a joke:
Morning. It turns out the man on the porch, stretches and yawns. Neighbor yells:
  • Vasya, your Polkan five of my chickens crushed!
Man, continuing to stretch and yawn, calmly responds:
  • The dog is not to blame, it is necessary to tie chickens ...
     New World is not far behind in the Old. And UWB likewise have such funny places. For example, in sunny California - "Miss Cutie". And let Thai modashki you are not misleading - this is still America.
girl bartender
     And in Texas, even went further and sympathetic cover body waitresses body art.
girl bartender
     Even we, the post-Soviet space actively introduce such a topic. For example, in Minsk: Café " Miami ":
girl bartender
     Here it seems that such a simple marketing ploy - the lot of very very disappointing institutions, with nothing better to attract visitors, while zamorachivatsya with a full entry in the "male world of forbidden pleasures" (they say it's low husky will love Bass) nobody wants.
     But no, actually there is a whole layer of the men who strip and topless waitresses is too dumb, frankly, ashamed or even interfere with digestion, but with the neckline big boobs and juicy - just right. And where there is a demand and a large audience (target Audioriya mark. ) - will always offer.
     Here's an example of three network institutions, in which the waitresses work only with good size (at least a third), and specials. form. For information: such institutions are called b restaurants (in English breast - «chest», restaurant - «Restaurant").
girl bartender


     One of the largest networks - recently opened even in Moscow. Only about 500 institutions around the world, and it's all within a short period of time, for the first restaurant was opened in 1983. Network name, by the way, very funny: the word  a hoot, which means means hooting owls and "tits" at the same time).
girl bartender

Bikinis Sports Bar & Grill

     Texas network where sustained cowboy style: boots, denim shorts. 
Well and the last:

Twin Peaks

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