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Why are women against paternity?

Why women and totally massively opposed to the establishment of paternity or exclusion? To understand the reasons why a common DNA examination of causes such resentment in women.
    If you go to any forum for discussion of the DNA examination, I in order to establish paternity, if you read the comments under the article on this subject, we see that women are raging indignation at the mere mention of such a test.
  • "What normal man would do this test? If he does not trust his wife, it is his problem '
  • "It is clear, he wants to come off. Type biological father I have not, here and educate yourself. What the men gone? Shit, not men. "
  • "Who he believes more, I wonder? Some test or a loved one? "
  • "A normal man, even such issues do not arise, his child or his."
  • "If my husband ever zaiknetsya about this test, I'm with him there and then divorce. I do not need people who are around me suspects. The family is based primarily on trust. " "I do not mind such as DNA, but after checking the so-called I could not be with a man!"
     Why is a legitimate and fair desire of man to make sure that your child encounters such a rapid resentment of women?

     Take for example a symmetrical situation. In the hospital mixed up the children, and now the mother brings up someone else's child. Why a scandal! There is even a criminal article for the substitution of the children! How is it - mother raises someone else's child! And no one dares to say: "So what, I bring up someone else. Children are not guilty. Not the kind of mother who gave birth, and the one that brought up. Fall in love with as a, if the heart is. " On the contrary, everything, everything, from neighbors to deputies (if the story was leaked to the TV) will be on the side of the unfortunate woman.
     The same situation, but with respect to his father, is perceived quite the opposite. If the mother wants to make sure she was not replaced, do not confuse a child, it is a legitimate right. If the same father wants to do - to make sure that his wife has not changed him - he's a scoundrel, a freak, almost criminal. However, while some countries is the desire men have criminal. In Germany, a man has no right on its own initiative to test for paternity. This equates to an interference with the privacy of a woman and is punishable by substantial fines.
    In Russia (thank God!) Men desire to raise their own, rather than other people's children are not declared a crime. But women are totally against it. They threaten all up to the divorce. And that man is a divorce, we all know.
     Why is it so? It would seem - if you are faithful to her husband, there is no DNA test is not dangerous to you. He would simply confirm that a child from her husband. And calm down, and my husband will love you even more - because you are a faithful wife.
    But no - the woman is categorically against. We understand why.
    When the DNA tests, has not yet be established, and the exclusion of paternity, appeared in the US, they were tried en masse on the population. It was a long time ago, 40 years ago. Completely random detnym couples offered to test. When this sample is automatically excluded from those pairs where the male raised obviously stranger from the biological point of view of the child. That is, the study did not include families with adopted children, families where a man took a wife a woman in the children from a previous marriage, etc.
     And that's what the results were: every third father brought not their children. Every third!!! And I do not even know that the children are not his. That his wife cheated on him, and spurious paternity. Every third woman was izmenschitsa, a traitor, a whore. Choose any definition or all three together.
    These are the merry population news. I do not think that Russian ladies much more moral than American women. I suppose that at the same level. Therefore naturally assume similar numbers and in a false paternity.
     Now go through the laws and law enforcement practices. It will help us understand what losing the woman if the man will not be afraid to establish his paternity through DNA tests immediately after birth.
  1. Modern women - in the majority - live in matriarchal state of promiscuity. Simply put, even if married, free fucking on the side. After all, the so-called formal marriage does not give any guarantee of fidelity, as it was at least 100 years ago. Even if you caught his wife in bed with her lover, there's nothing you can do. Besides divorce. Where adjustable court will take away property from you, including the prenuptial. So mass paternity does not give women a free fuck on the side with lovers. Will have to be faithful to her husband, and to such extreme current matriarchal ladies are not prepared. Indeed, as I wrote, betrayal vskroyutsya, which means that about every third family will fall apart. And it falls apart most disadvantageous for women way. She did not get a bill of divorce to sue in court or an apartment, or alimony. That is a man overcome capital and financial support for 18 years will not work. The child is not his, and all the bribes are smooth. So this is financially disadvantageous for women.
  2. Now an official marriage has two extremely unfavorable for the men of the village. The first negative point. The marriage of any child born to his wife in the hospital automatically written to the husband. In this case, it does not matter whether the husband is the biological father or not. Even if the white couple born negritonok, it will record automatically by law to her husband. And if the husband doubted fatherhood, he can not refuse. It can only itself initiate proceedings to begin the process of contesting paternity conduct DNA examination, and if it turns out that the child is not his, then paternity canceled. But it's a long, long story, which, incidentally, are solved not all men, even those who suspect or even know about his wife's infidelity. The title of "real man" named more than common sense. And the women that are in their interests. But even if you decide to still confirm or rule, ie contest paternity, the entire process - from the courts and all the rest - will leave plenty of time. For that you still have to keep the child and located in the decree wife. By the way. Divorce of pregnancy or maternity wife, you have no right, even if you caught her in bed with her lover, and a hundred times the child is not yours. The second negative point. If the child is born within 300 days after the divorce, it is also automatically recorded on the ex-husband. Then there are the same problems as described above. Only worse - in fact over the 300 days of the ex-wife may fall down from Smolensk to Sakhalin, where the hospital and writes you a father. And then you'll sue: from Smolensk on Sakhalin. How do you prospect? Let me remind you that, outside the official marriage of the child does not automatically write to you. In the column "father" in the beginning put a dash. And at this time you can safely spend the DNA examination, and if you are a father, to adopt this child.
  3. Let's say you live with a woman - it does not matter in a marriage or without marriage. You have a child is born, you have to educate him. Once you begin to doubt that it is your child. You're doing a DNA examination, and it turns out that it is not yours. You podaosh for divorce from the court to put away parental responsibilities. But it was not there. The (anti) Family Code has a provision that if the father knew that the child is not his, but adopted him and brought up, he, his father, no longer has the right to exclude paternity and absolve themselves of parental responsibilities. You, of course, swear and bozhishsya he did not know anything. Meanwhile, his wife tearfully said that many times confessed to you that the child is not yours. But every time you said it do not matter. As witnesses perform toscha, father, sister, wife and a couple of girlfriends. All they had personally heard your wife told you that the child is not yours. Bingo! You lose the right to deny his paternity and refuse duties. You have to give half of his possessions his ex-wife and her child. And the next 18 years to pay alimony tribute - because there is a charge of child support no matter what. In marriage, it rotates easily, because at the birth of the child is automatically recorded on you. Outside of marriage more difficult - you have time to calmly carry out a DNA test and install (or remove) their own paternity. The first item will be disabled, and the second and third paragraphs greatly complicate, if men will begin to be widely used for DNA paternity tests. Therefore it is better if DNA tests ever devised. Or just be forever banned from men to use them.

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